Monday, January 01, 2007

Work in progress.

I'm almost there:
  • the "ch33zip00fz" domains are mine!
  • dialogs are constantly being scribed
  • drawings are slowly materializing
I'm trying all kinds of different methods and mediums, so there's no definate style, yet. I'm just trying to get used to drawing the characters more than anything, right now.

My soon-to-be site designer (if I can talk her into it) loaned me her Wacom, so I'm working with the GIMP more to figure it out. The program's not that difficult to use, once you get into it, but the process is slow since I have a real job and something of a social life that keeps getting in the way. I'm learning how to use Layers at the moment. Of course, I missed my Oct 2006 deadline, but I'm shooting for Oct 2007 as the official site launch with some pre-release material hopefully available sometime this Spring.

Stay Posted!